Micro Phone

Micro phone is a device under input device. It is used to record what you say on the computer and to listen to the recorded voice from the Windows Media …

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Web Camera

Web camera   is a device under input device. This camera is used for face-to-face conversations with friends online via the Internet. This camera can be u…

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Digital Camera

Digital camera is also an input device. It is used to take photos and store the captured photos on a computer through a cable or memory card reader. Set …

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What is OCR?

1.      OCR (Optical Character Reader/Recognition/Recognizer) 2.      OMR (Optical Mark Reader/Recognition/Recognizer) 3.      MICR (Magnetic Ink Ch…

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A mouse is an input device of the computer. This input device is used specially for the graphical user interface (GUI). Which can be moved on a smooth sur…

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The keyboard is one of the most common input devices for the computer. The layout of the keyboard is like that of the traditional QWERTY typewriter. It is…

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Paint Program

It is a windows application. It is one of the graphic application comes with windows. Which allow to creating bitmap picture .bmp (bit map pictures).…

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-    It is a windows application. It is one of the word processing application comes with windows. It supports large number of formatting. Default file ex…

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