"Computer is an electronics device which accepts data from the user and process the data according to instruction. After processing give required result at very high speed".


A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data from the input and processes these data into information after processing gives the required result from the output


An input is a device of computer which feeds data to the computer. For example: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner etc. 


The process is the method of converting data into information. 


An output is a device of computer which displays information from the computer. For example: Monitor, Printer, Speaker etc. 

C.P.U.(Central Processing Unit): 

C.P.U is a main part of the computer. It processes data into information. It is also known as the brain of the computer.  


Data is a raw fact and figure. 


Information is a meaning full of fact and figure. 

                                     Full form of Computer:


     C    –    Complete

     O        Operate

     M        Machine

     P    –     Produce

     U    –    User

     T    –    Type

     E    -    Essential/Required

     R    -    Result

What are the features of the computer?

The features of computers areas follows:  

·        High speed and accuracy.

·        High storage capacity

·        Communication media

·        Easy to use

·        Multi user nature

·        Capable of accessing data from a remote workstation.

·        Never gets tired and it can perform repeated calculations etc.