It is a windows application. It is one of the graphic application comes with windows. Which allow to creating bitmap picture .bmp (bit map pictures).

# How to start Paint?

- Click on Start.

- Type paint on search box. 

- Press Enter button on Keyboard


- Press Windows + R on keyboard.

- Type Paint on run box. 

- Click on OK.


- Press right button of mouse on desktop

- Click on New.

- Click on Paint.

After that Paint icon will be appearing. 

- Quick double click on Paint icon. 

After some time paint windows will be appearing.

Fig: Windows of Paint Program

Title Bar:

          It is located top of the windows. It is display the program name/file name. It indicates the active windows. It provides different controls for windows (Close, Maximize and Minimize)

Close (X): It is a command of title bar. It is used to close the open program.

Maximize (): It is a command of title bar. It is used to maximize the program.

Minimize (―): It is a command of title bar. It is used to maximize the open                                                program.

Menu Bar:

          It appears just below than title bar. It contains different group of commands that are assigned under specific category. It contains different types of command menu such as file, edit, view, format and help etc.


Simple Click on Command.

Tool Bar:

          It is just below than menu bar. It contains graphical representation of different command. Such as clipboard, image, tools, shapes and colors etc.

        Clipboard: It is a command of tool bar. It is used to copy, cut and paste of any text or object.

                Cut (Ctrl+X): Cut the selection from canvas and put it on the clipboard.

              Copy (Ctrl+C): Copy the selection from canvas and put it on the clipboard.

             Paste (Ctrl+V): Paste the contents from clipboard. 

 Images: It is a command of tool bar. It is used to crop, resize, rotate and select of any object.

          Select : It is a command of image. It is used for select part of picture. 

          Crop (Ctrl+Shift+X) : It is a command of image. It is used for crop the selection part of picture.

         Resize(Ctrl+W) : It is used to resize/reduce the size of Image.

        Rotate : It is used to rotate or flip of picture of selection.   

Tools: It is a command of tool bar. It is used to pencil, eraser, fill with color, text and magnifier.

           Pencil: It is used to draw the line with the selected line width.

          Fill with color: It is used to fill color of any text or object.

         Text: It is used to insert text into the picture.

        Eraser: It is used to erase part of picture or replace it with background color.

        Magnifier: It is used to change the magnification for a part of the picture. 

Shapes: It is a command of tool bar. It is used to draw different types of shapes. Such as line, curve, oval, rectangle, rounded rectangle, Polygon, triangle, right arrow, left arrow, up arrow, down arrow, heart and star etc.

Colors: It is a command of tool bar. It is used to color the text or object.