
Modem (Modulator and Demodulator) is a hardware device. It is used to connect the computer to the internet from phone or wireless. After the internet is connected to the computer. We can send and receive documents, do video call face to face, chat, fax etc. in any corner of the world. It is also called Modulator and Demodulator.

There are two types of Modem. They are:

i)                 Internal Modem

ii)               External Modem

Internal Modem

It is a types of Modem. Which is connected within the C.P.U. So it is called internal modem. It is cheaper than external modem.

            For example, look at the internal modem in the below picture.

Fig: Internal Modem

External Modem

It is also types of modem. Which is connected outside the C.P.U. So it is called external modem. It is more expensive than internal modem. This is includes USB Modem / Data Card.

            For example, look at the external modem in the below picture.

Fig: External Modem