NIC (Network Interface Card)

Network Interface Card (NIC) is a computer hardware component which connects two or more than two computer in a network computer with cable or without cable.

  • Without Network Interface Card (NIC) a computer cannot be connected over a network.   
  • Data can be sending and receiving easily through a networking computer.
  • It is especially used to connect the NIC (Network Interface Card) to the computer and connect the internet to the client computer.
  • It allows both wired and wireless communication.
  • But now it is inbuilt in the motherboard.
  •  It is also called Network Interface Card, Network Adapter, LAN (Local Area Network) Card, LAN Adapter, Network Interface Controller, Physical Network Interface and Ethernet Card.

It is divided into two types. They are:

1.      Internal Network Card (Ethernet Network Card)

2.      External Network Card  

Internal Network Card (Ethernet Network Card):

  • It is types of Network Card which is internal inserted in PCI slot of motherboard.
  • The most popular wired LAN technology is Ethernet.
  • The speed of Ethernet-based NIC can be 10/100/100 Mbps.

For example: look at Internal Network Card in the below picture.

Fig: Internal NIC

External Network Card:

  • It is types of Network Card which is not internal inserted in PCI slot of motherboard.
  • It is external connected in computer system.
  • External network cards are of two types: Wireless and USB based.
  • Wireless network interface cards are designed for Wi-Fi-connection.

For example: look at External Network Card in the below picture.

Fig: External NIC