A line printer (LP) is a type of Impact printer. It is only used for line print in a notebook, Dairy etc. It prints one line at a time. It cannot print map and photo. Its speed measured in LPM (Lines per minute). Quality and cost of printer is medium.

An example of line printer is given below:      

Fig: Line Printer

Some types of line printers are:

(i)                 Band Printer

(ii)               Chain Printer

(iii)             Drum Printer

Band Printer:

A band printer is a type of line/Impact printer. It uses a metal band with character shapes for printing mechanism.

Fig: Band Printer

Chain Printer:

A chain printer is a type of line/Impact printer. It uses a chain with character shapes for printing mechanism.

Fig: Chain Printer

Drum Printer:

A drum printer is a type of line/Impact printer. It uses a drum with character shapes for printing mechanism.

Fig: Drum Printer