Fig: Analytical Engine

        After Difference engine, Charles Babbage designed another programmable steam machine called ‘Analytical Engine’. According to the design the analytical engine would have different units. They are: input unit, storage unit (store), arithmetical unit and output. In the analytical engine a series of Punched cards were used as the input device, storage unit and printer as an output device.

        It could do mathematical calculations based on given instructions automatically and output could be obtained in the form of printing. This machine was not completed due to immature technology of that time. The analytical engine would have all the parts that you find in a modern computer of today. Since the concept of this machine led to develop a first machine led to develop a first mechanical computer ‘Mark-1’, Charles Babbage is known as the father of computer.

        # Who was invented the analytical engine?

-                         -    Charles Babbage.

       # When was developed analytical engine?

-                       -       In 1833s AD.

       # Who is known as father of computer?

-                      -    Charles Babbage

Fig: Charles Babbage