UPS is a short name of Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source. It is a peripheral device of computer. It is an electrical apparatus that provides battery backup when the electrical power fails or drops to an unacceptable voltage level. It is used to protect hardware such as computers, data centers and telecommunication equipment etc.

Fig: UPS


     There are two types of UPS. They are:

1.      Online UPS

2.      Offline UPS

1.    Online UPS:

The device that inverts the battery through the charger using Alternative Current (AC) and produces AC at the output is called online UPS.

-          It is mainly used in big office, medical, research, Film Theater etc.

-          It is more costly than offline UPS.

-          It is more durable than offline UPS.

        For example, look Online UPS at the below picture. 

Fig: Online UPS

2.    Offline UPS:

The offline UPS is a type of UPS that directly supplies the power to the AC load from the AC mains in normal operation and uses an inverter to power the AC load from the DC battery. Since there two separate lines of supplies, the output supply must be switched between the two sources.

-         It is basically used in home, small office etc.

-         It is less costly than online UPS.

-        It is less durable than online UPS.

        For example, look Offline UPS at the below picture. 

Fig: Offline UPS