
Memory is a data holding place of computer. There are two types of memory. They are:

            A) Primary Memory: 

            B) Secondary Memory

  A)  Primary Memory:

    A memory which is directory connected to the motherboard is called Primary Memory. There     are two types of primary memory.

      They are:

                  i) RAM (Random Access Memory)

                  ii) ROM (Read Only Memory)

     i) RAM (Random Access Memory):

 Random Access Memory is types of primary memory. Where we can read and write. This        stores data temporary. It is also known as read and writes memory. When computer is turned   OFF. RAM is referred to as being volatile, where as ROM is nonvolatile.

        For example: look at the RAM in below picture.

Fig: RAM (Random Access Memory)

    (Note: Volatile means erasable data and Nonvolatile means not erasable data)  

 ii) ROM (Read Only Memory):

 Once data has been written permanently into a ROM. It cannot be removed and can only         be read. When the computer is turned off. ROM is referred to as being nonvolatile,     whereas RAM is volatile.

           For example: look at the ROM in below picture.

Fig: ROM (Read Only Memory)

  B)  Secondary Memory:

      Secondary memory is kinds of memory where programs and data are kept on a long-term.

     i) Hard disk

      ii) Pen drive

      iii) Floppy

      iv) CD (Compact Disk) etc.